Dental Supply Update

Dental Supply Site Up and Running

We are excited to announce that the there are now over 5000 dental products on shade guide from 12 suppliers!

This means that our clinics are now able to complete around 95% of their weekly order through this free to use portal. allow any practice to instantly search by category or keyword for the product they need.

From there you can instantly compare the prices and testimonials from up to 12 different suppliers.

The best dental products as judged by you end up in your shopping cart and from there you just click order.

An email is then sent to each individual supplier with their individualised order. They email you back to say it has been received.

Then you wait for delivery and invoice as normal. (Some suppliers are able to deliver within 24hours! Well done VP Dental!)

If your curious about shadeguide give it a go, its free and as you get the best price, you literally have nothing to lose!
Dr David Houston – Shade Guide General Manager