Dental supply breakthrough


A Break Through in Buying Dental SuppliesĀ 

As the number of dental suppliers continue to grow (we are now up to six suppliers!) we rapidly close in on a new era for dental practices.

Like never before clinics will be able to access all the products from a swag of value orietnted suppliers in one location.

Once the clear comparison is made based on price and testimonials then the magic can happen.


Click and Send, Send, Send, Send, Send…………

Instead of ordering from all suppliers individually you can just click buy once your shopping cart if full.

Our website will shoot off the order emails to the respective suppliers you have ordered from in an instant.

Think about that and how much time it will save.

37 suppliers? click 37 email orders in an instant.


Value Dental Supplies for allĀ is a tool to help Australia’s 7000 practices access value and save resources.

We organise the information so it works for you as a dental practice owner.

We have survived the birth and are overjoyed to be alive!